I am catching up with posting online my articles.
"I wouldn't do it myself so I expect that others won't do it either and so I decide to trust other persons"
This is what I have heard from my friend today. It sounds really cool and innocent.
But the question is whether we can really allow ourselves to live like this ?
Well... if you are not sure about how to answer this question then let's do the test. For example make an announcement in the newspaper that you would lend money to people who need them for a month. You would not make any official and legally abiding document and all that you would say to people is that you trust them and you expect that they would give you money back at the end of the month.
Look... we have not even started the experiment and I am sure that you already start having strong resistance within yourself towards doing this experiment. And the reason for this resistance is that:
...you know already that you would not see ever again most of your money ( if any at all ) !!!
OK... you could say that you don't know these people. Well... cool... so you'll see that your trust is not unconditional and that you would only lend money to people that you know.
To be continued...