I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So let's have a look at this very common situation in our society. Let's say that one of your friends is going to have birthday and you are being invited to the party. Obviously you cannot go there with empty hands and so you go to the shops to find a present. You don't really know what to buy but eventually you buy something.
And there comes a birthday day... you come to the party, you sing the "happy birthday" song, you make the happy birthday wishes and you give your present. Your friend opens the present, s/he smiles, s/he thanks you for it and then you continue with the party.
Somebody could ask: "how the hell the birthday present has anything to do with the environment ?"
Well... look at this...
Let's say that your friend does not like the present; or he does not need it because he has already something similar in his house or somebody has bought him already the same thing as a present ( this thing with receiving the same/similar presents was is very common at the weddings ). And so if your friend does not like the present he will either throw it straight away into the rubbish or he will put it in the storage room but eventually after some years it will end up in the rubbish anyway. Maybe it will be recycled and reused but there is also a big chance that this present will get into the environment and make the damage.
And here somebody could ask another logical question: "how the hell could one small ( or even bigger ) piece of present/rubbish make the damage for the environment ?".
Well... look at this...
I know for fact that unless you know the person very well or I'd rather say that if you do not ask directly the person about what s/he would like to receive as a present then it is very difficult to make sure that the present that you buy is going to meet the expectations of the receiver. And so if the person does not like it then s/he will do with it as I said above ( sooner or later it will end up in the rubbish ).
To be continued...