I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the famous saying from the novel and the movie about "The Three Musketeers". Although this phrase uses the word "all" in this movie there are only 4 people involved in it ( the 3 musketeers and D'Atragnan ) and then they are fighting against others.
Anyway... this is a very catching phrase and almost everybody who has seen the film remembers it for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately it only remains as a "well-remembered" phrase and we miss the importance and practicality of it.
So how should we interpret this phrase ?
Very easy... the word "all" means all/everybody and thus the whole humanity should stand up even for every single person and vice versa. It is obvious - seeing so much starvation, abuse and suffering in this world - that at the moment we don't realize the importance of it.
But then we could ask a question or two:
Why should we do it ? Why should we make our life difficult for somebody else instead of enjoying it to the fullest ?
Well... I have a proof that this is would be best also for you !!!
To be continued...