I am catching up with posting online my articles.
And thus some weeks ago I started to have pain in my foot which was not "going away" but it was actually gradually getting stronger every day. My usual technique for pain management and stretching did not help. Then I thought that this is probably the result of dancing a lot lately and not having proper dance shoes. But in the end this was not the case. I asked my colleague to do the kinesiology muscle test to identify where the problem is and it showed up that my body needs more oils and omega 3. Actually it is not about more of these oils. They were actually missing almost completely in my diet and thus I have to make adjustments with it and in the meantime I need to take some supplements.
So you'll see... I could have had few treatments with the massage or physiotherapist but that would not correct the origin of the problem. Maybe it would alleviate the pain more or less but I am certain that sooner or later this problem would manifest itself again.
What is funny here that I was so certain that the food that I eat is completely balanced and here we have a proof that I was mistaken. Well... something like this may happen and it is just a matter of correcting it quickly before it gets worse. But what I want to point out here is that we should become aware that our doctor, masseur or physiotherapist are not always applying appropriate treatment program simply because they don't identify properly the cause of the problem.
Now... this is not the first time when I am "praising" kinesiology but I see very often how effective it is in identifying the cause of the problem and then allowing finding the correction.
Another point which I see very often in my practice...
So... people have 10 or more treatments with the best physiotherapist or other medical specialist in town and their condition doesn't get better. So they kind of fall into the trap of believing that they will be stuck with their problem for long time or even the rest of their life. And then on top of it we have other problems result from taking strong medications which cause side effects.
Thus I recommend to find a good kinesiologist in your town and get friendly with him/her.