I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I have been working with manual therapies ( massage, physiotherapy etc. ) for many years and during my practice I had many patients who were really content with my treatments. And it is an incredible feeling and satisfaction being able to help people especially those who were already "written off" by others therapists and various specialists ( including best doctors ). You'll know... it was point of personal "expansion" and development because I was doing something, which was regarded as impossible.
But it all did not come to me magically on the white cloud. It was a process of learning and experimenting, which simply means that there were moments when I failed as a therapist because I could not help my patient. This is nothing unusual... nothing new. If you use common sense then you know how things work in this world.
Now... I do not want to say that I can help everybody and that I can do miracles. Not at all. It is just that I was stubborn... I was experimenting... and I got past certain limitations of the society. And that is why I am saying about the point of expansion.
But what about the people who I was and I am still not able to help even though I know much more than some years ago ?
The thing which I have learned and realised already some time ago is that firstly there are various causes of pain in the body and secondly most of the time the cause of the pain is not where the pain is. And thus not every muscle pain can be fixed with massage and/or physiotherapy.
To be continued...