I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So we are born to this world and some of us don't even make out of the mother's womb while others live something over 100 years. And this is regarded as something very remarkable. So let's say that you have managed to live 100 years in your body.
But have you ever wondered how is it that your body functions ?
You'll know... within your body there are going on continuously chemical reactions. But not only this... there are muscles, organs, glands, various cells etc. and everything needs to be controlled and synchronized so that the body can function and survive at all. Obviously if this synchronization, control and management goes out of order then you get sick or you even die. But still there is a wonderful compensation mechanism so it takes time before you actually die because the whole system cannot support itself and it fails. And then you, your spirit or whatever you call it leaves the body and you go somewhere out there ( the spirit world ).
Now... if you have never wondered about how it is that your whole body functions then obviously you have not asked yourself another question about whether it is possible that you consciously can control it yourself. Well... the answer to this question is kind of straight forward because if a human being is struggling to do 2 things at the same time then we cannot talk about managing and controlling all of these chemical reactions and movements of the muscles and bones etc. Obviously the body would not be able to live even few seconds with this type of management of a human being.
So let's say that we have this processor ( brain ) which runs the program allowing the body to function so that the spirit of the human being can anchor itself within this reality and live some years here. But having this processor we are still taking it too much for granted and thus there are not so many who actually manage to live 100 years. And then many of those who live 100 years are sick and thus their life is quite often struggle and suffering.
So the question is whether it would be possible to stop taking things for granted and actually support the processor which runs the body program and make its work much easier ?
Well... this has been a topic of my studies for many years and slowly I am coming to the conclusions based on actual facts that it is really possible to support our body and its processor consciously and through this make the functioning of our body more efficient and through this also make our life in this reality more enjoyable. You'll know... it is a straight forward thing. If you are sick then you are limited in how you can express yourself within your body. If you are healthy then you have more possibilities.
So... stop taking things for granted. Get to know your body. Support it. But I am not talking about following the beliefs of the majority of people ( e.g. about healthy diet ) because this will get you as far as the rest. It may not be always easy but it will give you a lot of satisfaction once you start discovering new things and making interesting ( mind blowing ) realizations.
Now... I am really curious whether I will make up to 100th birthday of mine. But still... even if I don't ( because there are also other factors which influence it ) there is this point that I am fit and healthy and as I said before I have more possibilities to express and enjoy myself within this reality. And through my studies and investigations I have - not so much eliminated but - greatly reduced the element of probability that everything is going to be ok if I took things for granted.