I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This kind of approach to business is clearly classified as abuse. And although people will try to find an excuse to enter into this business despite of knowing about it, it does not justify it and it does not release them from the consequences of it. You know it is enough that one person will get angry and pissed off that s/he has been deceived and manipulated and then s/he will decide to be an asshole for the whole life. And now this one person will cause harm, abuse and suffering to others. This is another pyramid with it and you are also responsible for it because you are at the top of the pyramid. Without you it would not start.
I know that in our world there is already so much abuse and dishonesty that it seems to be very unusual and not normal that somebody talks like me. But you'll know... abuse is abuse. If we continue with it then we will have more or if it. If we want to change it then we must stop doing it ourselves despite the fact that majority of people in our surrounding do it and sees it as something normal.
One more point... what is the difference between this company selling coffee via multilevel marketing system and companies which also sell coffee via traditional methods ( e.g. shops ) ?
You'll know... in reality traditional businesses are using also pyramidal or multilevel marketing schemes. And if you are blinded by greed and you are deceiving your customers and your employees then it is all the same cycle of abuse. The only difference is that this traditional form of business has been accepted even more as normal even though they do the same or worse shit.
So I recommend everybody to be careful and not to become blinded by the money. In the end it was you who allowed yourself to become manipulated and blinded by the greed and then you have abused and deceived others. You are responsible for all the consequences of this abuse even though you don't see it right in this moment.
One more thing to think about. Look... what about if instead of trying to get rich quick and easy through deception and abuse, we decided to create and implement a new economic system, which would take care of every living being ( humans, animals etc. ) and secure at least all the basic needs for survival ( food, water, clothes, home etc. ) ? Please... don't tell me that this is not possible. Here is a proposal of such a system from Equal Life Foundation in the form of Living Income Guaranteed.