I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Last week one of my friends called me over the phone and told me that he would like to present me a new business opportunity. So he came over to me the next day and he made a presentation. This new business venture in which he already got involved was about selling coffee via multilevel marketing system.
I know that many people are very skeptical and cautious about the multilevel marketing business scheme because there were many similar pyramidal business schemes which had relatively short life span they were based on the principle of making quick and easy money if you entered into the system in the early phase. But obviously those who entered in the later phase earned less or even they lost their money, which they invested into it.
Multilevel marketing schemes are very similar in nature to the pyramidal schemes though their objective is not so much easy and quick money but rather constant and long term grown of the business and the people involved into it. And there are companies like Amway, Herbalife, Avon, which use this system with great success and they have been on the market for many years already.
Of course there were people who did not succeed with Amway etc. and later they were pissed off with the company. But you'll know... Amway functions like any other business. The money will not come to you magically by itself. You must work and build up the network of your customers. If you do it then you have income. Otherwise you simply don't make any profit and this is basically your own fault.
To be continued...