I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Here are few more points related to nudity:
1. There are many reasons why somebody would abuse sexually and rape another being. This could be anger, revenge, being under influence of drugs or alcohol etc. But also one of the reason of rapes is that our culture creates and generates the desire to see and touch the human body ( especially of perfectly looking models ) and at the same time we make it illegal and secret. And some people who think about it often and desire it they charge it within their mind and create a positive polarity. One polarity cannot exist without its opposite. We already know about it. And thus at some point it will require balancing. And this happens during the act of rape. Thus it would be relatively easy to prevent this type of sexual rapes if we stopped making nudity the subject of desire and at the same time making it secret and illegal ( sinful ).
2. Prohibiting anything and making it illegal is usually not effective way of dealing with any kind of problem especially in our system where it all depends on how much money you have. We see it all the time and it is really surprising that we don't learn anything from it but instead we dedicate ever more resources and efforts into enforcing the prohibition laws. And the thing is that we should actually to dedicate most of these resources into education system - e.g. education about the sexuality, about solving problems within the relationships etc.
3. This problem with nudity, prostitution etc. is not just one problem. It is just like anything else. We cannot just take one pill from the doctor and get cured. Everything is interconnected and depends on many elements within the whole system in which we live and which we have created and which we are creating in every moment. And thus we must realise that we only will be able to change it if we change ourselves.
Some years ago I went to see nude women and I did not see anything wrong with it. I did not question it. It was kind of normal and acceptable. And today I am writing this article about my visit to the strip club. And as you can see there is a difference in how I approach this topic. Instead of accepting the current world system as something normal I stand up and I do something to change it. And this is a visible proof that it is possible to change. All that we need it more people who change themselves and later act on the outside to change the system into something which would support life instead of destroying it.