I am catching up with posting online my articles.
We cannot talk about the practical solutions to solve the problem with the strip clubs and prostitution ( of course this is for those who see already that this is not something that normal and acceptable ) without mentioning the money. In the end if our survival on this planet would not depend on money then there would not be strip clubs and brothels. This should be very obvious to everybody and there really no point to talk much about it. so to make it short there are those who fight for the survival and are forced to work as a striper or prostitute. There are those who want to have quick and relatively easy money to live in luxuries and thus they invest into this type of business. And there are those who don't know how to bring the sexual expression to the fullest within themselves and thus they use money to pay for sex. Thus instead of talking more about it, it would be more interesting to show and present how to address the issue with lack of money and fight for survival which would eliminate or at least reduce drastically this problem almost instantly.
The solution with the money has been presented and explained in details by the Equal Life Foundation in the form of Living Income Guaranteed. You'll know... by securing everybody's basic survival needs we would address effectively the problem with strip clubs and prostitution and basically all that we need to do is to educate ourselves about this proposal and then implement it practically in life. I know that implementation of this new system will not happen tomorrow and it may not be so easy to do it as I write it here but still the main problem is not so much with practical implementation of it but rather the difficulty is with convincing people that it is really feasible and achievable and encouraging them to act and support it.
Anyway... this is the proposal and practical solution to the problem with the strip clubs and prostitution and it basically depends on us whether we do it or not and whether we will do it in the next couple of years or decades.
To be continued...