I am catching up with posting online my articles.
What are the other practical solutions to this problem ?
One of the first this each one can do is to stop going to the strip clubs, paying for sex etc. You'll know... once people stop demanding this type of services then nobody will be motivated to make business out of this. This is straight forward. But then we must realise that this is just a "tip of an iceberg" of the problem with strip clubs.
And here we must ask question of why people go to the strip and putty clubs ?
First of all we have made a taboo and secret out of the human body. Look... the animals walk naked all the time and nobody is going to pay for the animal strip club. But humans have created obsession with covering sexual organs including breast and nipples and voila... we want to have the secret ( treasure ). And I think that this goes far into the childhood when we create within our mind the desire to find the treasure and the secret by watching and listening to the fairy tales and stories about the heroes, treasures etc.
Then we also have an element of making it forbidden and illegal, which also adds to the desire to get to the treasure because it gives the illusion of being more "valuable" once we get it.
Apart from we also have the judgment - which predominantly comes from the religious believes - that it is bad and sinful to show the sexual organs and breast and to have sex for pleasure. And this judgment creates separation which manifests itself as negative polarity and positive polarities together with the force pulling it back together while we try to pull it apart. So we judge it as something bad and we try to not see it. But the more we try to judge it, separate it and pull it apart, the greater is the friction and the force pulling the polarities to the center ( neutral state ). Within that you are the positive polarity, looing at the naked body as something bad is the negative polarity and sooner or later you will get tired and exhausted from resisting the pulling force and you will find an excuse and you will go to see the striper.
And this will make you "feel better" temporarily but then instead of investigating it deeper and coming to a realisation and correcting the problem you will feel guilty, you will continue judging it as bad and you will repeat the cycle many times. Sometimes you will be trapped in it your whole life and you will die without coming to the realisation and transforming this point.
To be continued...