I am catching up with posting online my articles.
But you'll see it is not only about men ( women ) using the services of prostitutes for example and accepting it as something normal. We also have prostitutes themselves who also get into the mode of thinking and accepting what they are doing as something completely normal. Usually there is some kind of "resistance" related to moral issues but as times goes by the person gets used to it and literally s/he doesn't see anything wrong with it.
And so it is with everything else ( killing, cheating, stealing etc. ). And because it all becomes "normal and acceptable" then we continue doing it and then we have the world as it is today. And it is not just "them"... it is not the devil... it is not just the "elite" of this world and those who are in power... it is also you and me who participate in the creation of this world and life style in general.
What is the practical solution here ?
Well... as long as we think and believe that what we do is normal and OK then it is really difficult to expect that anybody will try to change the things and how they function in this moment. And this is the main problem. Then we also have people who realise that the normal things that we do are not so normal but because the problem is huge and affects the whole world then they give up before even trying investigating and seeing what could be really done to make the change.
To be continued...