I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This thing with the nice girl chasing after bad guy who doesn't really care about her and is treating her bad ( quite often abusing ), lying, cheating on her etc. is a massive problem in this world. People make jokes about it and personally I have heard and seen it also many times. So it is kind of a phenomena that we know about it but yet we fall for it, we don't learn from it and then we fall again.
I think that I would be really good for the whole humanity if we made it part of the obligatory teachings at school. You'll know... teach people how to recognize the symptoms of lying boyfriend/girlfriend and teach practical steps on how to deal with it. Can you imagine how many problems in this world this would prevent. If you ever experienced it for yourself then you should know how many unnecessary problems you had because of it and in the end you regretted that you have fallen for it. As I said before this is a massive problem and if we addressed it effectively then we would literally make a big change for better in this world.
I guess that it would worth to explain why we fall so easy into this trap.
Well... the main thing is that when we meet somebody then we start to make projections within our mind about this person and these projections are like an energetic veil in front of our eyes, which does not allow us to see clearly the reality. And the reality is quite often very brutal. We all know about the cases when the boyfriend is beating up his girlfriend but yet she does not want to leave him because of the great love that she feels for him.
So what else can I say about it ?
Well... I could write a whole book about it but if you are "in love" - I mean if you have fallen into this toxic pattern - then you will not listen to me anyway. So I will just recommend you to do the same as I recommended to this girl from the disco. Take a piece of paper and write down everything that you would like to have in the relationship and what you actually have. If you don't write it down and instead you think about it in your mind then it is very easy to fall further into the trap because you tend to make projections about the reality, which are pretty and beautiful but unfortunately are not real.