Yesterday I went with friends for dancing. While we were in the disco a guy came to a one of the girls and started to chat with her, they danced a little bit etc. I was told by other friends that this girl liked this guy a lot and she was in a "kind of" relationship with him. During the conversation I was also told that this guy is an asshole. I simply asked whether this girl knows that this guy is an asshole ? I did not really need that answer because I already knew what this is all about. The girl likes guy who is a playboy and is lying and cheating on her and everybody knows it apart from this girl... or something like this.
On the way home I was in the car with this girl and the other friend who told me about this whole situation. The girl said that she didn't know that this guy is going to be in the disco that night. She tried to call him during the day and invite him to the disco but he was not answering the calls. Anyway he explained to her in the disco that he had some problems with the family, he was feeling not well, he had headache and he wanted to be alone. I don't remember anymore all the details of how he explained to her of why he did not answer her phone calls but I knew it very quickly that this is just a big lie. First of all it seemed without sense and logic secondly I have heard this type of explanations ( lies ) few times before and it was always a lie. Anyway I said to her that this guy behaves and tells stories as if he was having period and his hormones were completely out of balance. The girls laughed and giggled when I said it.
So what do we have here in this situation ?
As I said before... the girl likes ( loves, has strong feelings ) guy who is a playboy and is lying and cheating on her and everybody knows it apart from this girl. This is a classic scenario which happens to so many girls ( and guys as well ).
And the question is:
WTF so many people fall for the same bullshit ?
And what is even worse sometimes it happens more than just once in a lifetime.
So in this situation the girl is blinded by the feelings which she believes are real and then she doesn't see the facts of reality. I suggested to her to write on the piece of paper that the she would like to have in the relationship with this guy ( or in general ) and then also write of what she actually has and then simply make the decision based not only on feelings but also on facts, logic and common sense.
Now... will she do it ?
I don't know... according to the statistics she will not. Sooner or later she is going to get hurt badly but it is very difficult to help her.
To be continued...