This is the definition we can find in the dictionary describing the word police.
The police - also called police force is an organized civil force for maintaining order, preventing and detecting crime, and enforcing the laws.
From this definition we could understand that police is an organization, which is established to benefit the society by protecting and serving the citizens. Unfortunately the opinion of many ( if not greater part of society ) people about the policemen is not as "positive" as it described in the definition. And I guess we should not be surprised about it if we hear very often about the corruption, violent overacting, abuse etc. committed by the policemen while on-duty and also off-duty in their daily life.
I know that there are many guys who help and protect people but yet I know that there is a tendency to judge negatively every single policeman once somebody has experienced the abuse done by them. And you know... this could be even something silly as getting traffic fine for something, which you have not done and then it is very easily to fall into this judgment of the whole organization and every single person ( policeman ) working there.
*explanation for those who don't speak Spanish. Somebody has taken a photo of a policeman in Spain while peeing on the public road ( parking ). This person writes that normally policeman would give a 150 euro fine to the offender for breaking the law and he wants to encourage everybody to share it on social media so that everybody in Spain knows about the hypocrisy of the policemen.
To be continued...