After many weeks I have finally caught up and I am up to date with posting onlne my articles. Ufffff... it feels good... :-)
Within the whole process there was even a moment when I was taking into consideration that I may end up in the emergency in the hospital or even die. You'll know... the skin is very important organ, which apart from protecting and uniting us with the environment facilitates respiration and at some stage my skin was very bad. It was swollen, thick, covered with dry patches of skin and it could not function properly.
Anyway... later I realised that this was the moment of hitting the bottom and then my skin started to improve. It was slow but it was improving steadily and about 2 months later from the critical moment I was able to go back to work. I was still not 100% but my skin had relatively few red spots and it was not itchy. Apart from this my skin was looking a little bit like the camouflage uniform of the soldier, which was the result that during the whole process new skin grew up and it was getting sun-tanned as easy as the older skin. But it was not looking sick at all. As I said before I am massage therapist and I doubt that anybody would allow me to touch them if they saw that my skin is not good.
This thing with the camouflage skin has also improved and this year I don't have it anymore. When I go to the beach it is getting tanned evenly.
Now there are almost 2 years since I started my treatments with my friend who told me that he can help me to heal my problem with the acne. I did not expect that in this process of healing I will have to go through the hell of psoriasis. My whole body was itchy and I could not do anything about it. Scratching was not helping at all and as matter of fact it was making it worse. But even though it was so difficult and I even though that I will die I am glad that I did it. I am glad that I did not follow the treatment with the doctors and instead I did it all with the natural medicine. As a matter of fact it was done with these small homeopathic balls, which have no chemical substance in it and the doctors make jokes about.
To be continued...