I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This is the link to the 1st article: 7 YRS PROCESS - DAY 252 - PUTTING TO THE TEST NATURAL MEDICINE - PART 1
It has been almost 2 years now when I spoke to the friend about the problem with my skin - acne. I have had this problem for many years and it seemed that I will stay with this problem for my whole life. I did not want to take the medicine from the doctors because I knew that it would cause more problems. I did try though to heal it with natural medicine. I managed to reduce the problem after I did drastic changes in my diet but still the problem has not disappeared completely. Sometimes my skin was better and sometimes worse but the problem was always there.
So 2 years ago I told my new friend about my skin. He told me that he will try to help me to eliminate this problem completely. I got very excited when I heard about it but still it was a little bit skeptical. In any case I decided to follow this treatment especially because it was all natural medicine.
About 3-4 months later after I started the treatment with my friend something started to happen with my body and my skin which I did not expect at all. My skin started to get gradually itchy and then I also started to have visible symptoms of psoriasis. At first it was small and I could hide it under my clothes but few weeks later almost my whole body was covered with it and I had to stop working ( I am massage therapist ). I even thought that I will never be able to work with massage anymore.
My doubts and fears of not being able to work with massage ever again was coming from the fact that my friend was securing me all the time that everything is under control and that soon it will all be good. After I heard it 3 times I started to doubt what my friend says though I decided to continue the treatment with him.
To be continued...