I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Though here we must understand that there is a possibility that somebody has deficiency in certain minerals/chemicals within the body and then the compensation mechanism will not function properly. And then a person will complain about the headaches or other symptoms. And in this case the weather will have direct influence on somebody's mood, wellbeing etc.
It is important to mention that the deficiency in certain elements within the body may be caused either by improper diet and/or one or more organs are not functioning properly and don't synthetize necessary chemical elements necessary for the compensation/regulatory mechanism to function efficiently.
Now... Western medicine does not really recognize this condition and doesn't treat it as such or if it does then it treats the symptoms with painkillers etc. It is different when it comes to the Eastern natural medicine. Not all of it but I know for sure that Traditional Chinese Medicine ( TCM ) and acupuncture treat this problem but trying to balancing the organs and the corresponding meridians. So instead of treating the symptoms with the pain killer TCM goes deeper and tries to work with the weaknesses of the organs.
Another point which I would like to mention here is the situation of the people living in the countries closer to the pole. It has been proven that these people develop the lack of certain elements like vitamin D because of lack of exposer to sun ( UVB ), which is important factor in vitamin D synthesis within the body. I will not argue with it but what I would like to say in regards to this point is that this problem comes also from changes in the dietary habits of people who eat less and less of integral and natural foods which have been substituted with highly processed "food like" substances. And all of this makes it much more difficult for the body to produce its own chemicals, which are substantial for proper health and functioning.
Thus it is clear that weather has its influence on our moods and health in general. But there is a compensation mechanism within the body to deal with the changes in the weather and thus if you are healthy then the weather should not make big impact on you. Though there are people who literally blame the weather for their changes in the mood. But they are doing it because they don't want to look and investigate the real cause of their emotional fluctuations, which is within them and instead they put the blame on something outside of them because it is easy way to escape taking the responsibility and making appropriate change.
The last point.... If you notice certain that you are being affected by the changes in the weather on the regular basis then instead of taking pain killers try to find a therapist of natural medicine, who would help you to correct the real cause of it by correcting imbalance in your organs. Though remember that not every practitioner of natural medicine knows how to do it. But ask and search until you find one. I know that this is possible because we correct efficiently this kind of problems in our praxis.