I am catching up with posting online my articles.
3. Now... the light smell from my hair to which my friend was referring was also probably due to the fact that:
- he met me on some occasions when I was sweaty after the exercises and/or
- lately there was also a period of my life when I was very busy and under the stress of trying to deal with all the things which has affected the chemical balance ( health ) within my body. But now I have stopped this craziness in my life with stress and the rushing to get my responsibilities done and my body returns to equilibrium which should reflect itself as well in my health.
Here are few other points and realisations which have come from my experiment about washing my hair without shampoo.
1. As I said before I don't use shampoo for over a year now. Only sometimes I do it. And it was interesting to see that after washing my hair ( which was medium long ) was getting stuck together and I had to struggle to separate it with the comb. And I never had this problem when I wash my hair just with warm water. All people with long hair know that this is a big problem with separating the hair after the wash. I think that the hair conditioners or other cosmetics help to deal with this problem but in the end it would not be necessary if we did not wash our hair with shampoos and soaps.
2. Now... washing my hair without the shampoo and other cosmetics doesn't give me the same shiny look as the models from the magazines and I have also heard from my friend that it sometimes looks untidy and it gives the impression that my hair is dirty. Well... maybe it does but at the same time I know many people who use the shampoos they have dandruff and other problems with their hair and thus I prefer to look a little bit untidy sometimes rather than being sick and having other problems with the skin.
3. One thing which helps me to keep my hair clean and healthy is because I live close to the sea side in the tropical climate and I can go to swim in the ocean pretty much all year round. Now... I realise that many people live in the cities and the water, which they use for showering is hard or medium hard and thus it makes more difficult to wash off the dirt of the hair and skin. And so people use it as a justifying argument to use the beauty products showering. Well... most probably you are right about it but then we could install special filters, which would soften the water and then you could address this problem if you really want to. But you'll see... the main problem here lies not so much with the hard water but rather with the fear of society and what would others say about you if came to work without makeup, your hair would not be tidy, if you did not use the perfumes etc.
So this is the update. I have to say that I was lucky that I got sick because then I was kind of forced to look for unconventional solutions and make the change in my life. And so I experimented with washing my hair without beauty products and I am glad today that I did it. In any case I share it here with you so that it is also easier for you if you decide to do the same.
One more important thing... as I said I am glad that I did it because I know that it benefits my health and well being. But at the same all that I did makes a change on the global scale. First of all I will not use beauty products for the rest of my life and this will reduce the pollution of water and environment. I know that I am just one person but you'll see... I am sure that there will be at least few people who will also want to try to live without the shampoo ( based on my experience ), which will also reduce the pollution. And then they will encourage other people. And this is how the world will change although I am small and insignificant.