I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Now... here are few points and realisations about the smell and odour, which comes from our bodies:
Our body is a living organism which always has certain and specific scent or odour. And its smell is related to many factors:
1. First of all there is nothing wrong with having smell coming from our body. People smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol, which gives a very specific and strong smell and yet we accept it and don't turn around with a disguise as much as we do when somebody sweaty and a little bit dirty comes close to us. Quite often this thing about sweat is coming from the social brainwashing. Well... somebody may have a certain smell which you and other people may not like in particular but this has to do with the compatibility issues and other dimensions and this it is not just about smell but also about other things. So for example somebody may suppress and change the smell from his/her body with the cosmetics and perfumes but you will not "like" this person anyway because as I said there are other issues and dimensions within your relationship ( partners, friendship, work etc. ) with this person. And you'll see... quite often we are forced to be in the relationship with a certain person because of the artificial factors ( e.g. money ) and thus we place ourselves in the unbalanced situation and relationship where we "suffer" in a sense. If there was no money involved and you would made the decisions about being close to somebody then you most probably not be with this person. But because we don't realise the whole problem and we simply follow the social brainwashing and manipulation about using the cosmetics and perfumes to suppress the smell then we literally create many more unbalanced situations within our relationships and we create a lot of unnecessary consequences. And this is nothing else but treating and suppressing the symptoms instead of dealing with the cause of the problem and finding constructive solution to it. Apart from this it also shows and proves that we live in separation. In this particular case we try to separate ourselves from the smell and odour or our bodies.
2. The smell of our body is directly related to the state of our health. And thus the moment something changes within our body which also changes directly the chemistry of the body then certainly it will reflect itself in the change of the odour and smell. And I guess if somebody would investigate this topic and specialized himself in it then s/he would also be able to diagnose a person whether s/he is sick etc. It is something like the thing with people who work as professionals in the creation of luxury cosmetic and perfumes or those who detect various flavours and scents within the wine etc. But within this remember one thing... we don't need to be professors of music to detect that the instrument is not properly tuned. And so it is with our bodies. We do not have to be specialized "smell doctors" to say from our smell that something is not right with our bodies. And thus if we did not suppress the smell of our body with the cosmetics but instead we would try to find the reason for the change in the smell and odour then we would be able to prevent a lot of serous sickness and diseases within our bodies ( including cancer etc ).
To be continued...