I am catching up with posting online my articles.
About 1.5 years ago I got serious problem with my skin ( psoriasis ) and I had to be very careful about which chemicals I use and put on my body ( creams, shampoos, soap etc. ). As a matter of fact this sickness forced me to stay away from work ( I am a massage therapist ) for few months and because I did not have to deal with the customers so I decided to do an experiment and to not use any shampoos and soaps at all. I simply washed my body with warm water.
I have already written at least one article about it last year and now it is just an update on my experiment.
Yesterday I went to the hairdresser for the haircut and I have asked her opinion about my hair. She said that the hair is in at least good condition ( my hair is shiny, I don't have dandruff and the skin under the hair is white. What she meant by saying "white skin" is that there is no inflammation, which would be the result of accumulation of dirt and bacteria.
So it was cool to hear the opinion of the professional in regards to my hair, which gave me the confirmation that the experiment has actually worked well. What is worth to mention here is that I spoke with my hairdresser about my experiment last year and she actually warned me that this not a good idea. She did not remember about it but it shows that even the best professionals and also scientists and doctors ( and we take their words as an absolute truth ) make mistakes and underestimate the capacities of our bodies to maintain balance and health without using the chemicals ( beauty products etc. ).
To be continued...