I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Once we talk about war and peace I will give you another example. My parents have been fighting with each other for over 3 decades. And I tell you that it doesn't bring anything constructive. Just like any other war.
Fights within the relationship happen to almost every - if not all of them - couple. And thus somebody could say that it is normal. Actually the words "somebody could say" should be substituted with some other absolute statement because many of us have accepted it as something fixed and part of our lives. And thus if you say that this is normal then you should not be judging those who kill and fight at the front line in the war zone because then this is also normal... isn't it ? It is just happening on the bigger scale between groups of people or whole nations. And thus we can go even further because if have accepted that the fights ( which are mini wars ) in the relationships are normal then you should leave any anti-war activist group because then you are a hypocrite.
And here we have another important realisation:
We cannot change the world out there if we do not change ourselves.
Because imagine that if all the people in the relationships learn how to solve the conflicts in the constructive and peaceful way then they will never allow and participate in the war on the bigger scale between the nations. Simply these people will not start and consider the war but instead they will look for peaceful and constructive solutions on the level of the whole nation and the world.
And secondly if the parents live in peace and always find constructive and peaceful solution then it is almost impossible that children will learn anything else but the same. And thus if you fight with your partner and you try to teach your children about peace then you are also hypocrite and your teaching is not going to be effective because sooner or later your child will question it and probably discard your teachings as utopia.
Now... all that I am talking here about always finding peaceful and constructive between 2 people within the relationship may sound like something unreal. But I tell you that it is not. It is just the matter of wanting to do it and work on it. It is very possible. And the more people will learn how to do it and apply it practically in their lives then I assure you that we will have less and less wars in the world. It goes all together. The outside world is just the reflection of what is within us and what we accept and allow.