I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So how do we actually get programmed ?
Well... it all starts with our parents and grandparents because usually they are the first people to organize the celebrations for us and give us presents. Then you smile and you are happy unless you get as a Christmas present a white iPhone instead of the black one ( LOL ). And then you repeat this kind of behaviour couple of times a year. Once you grow up you also can see that other people do the same and thus you take for granted that this is something normal but in the end this is how majority of people get programmed within their mind and when the program is being activated ( on the special day ) then the whole chain of preprogramed reactions is happening automatically.
And we program ourselves in a very similar way when it comes to the situation of the anniversary of the death of somebody who was close to us - family member, friend etc. It all comes to the point that our whole existence within this world is lost and imprisoned within the cycles and programs of the mind. We think and we believe that we are free and that all of this is normal but unfortunately it is just a program.
Thus should completely forget about our closed ones who passed away ?
This is not what I am saying here. If you want to cry then cry today and/or tomorrow. If you want to be happy on your birthday, then do so. But if you don't... then do not force yourself to be happy just because you should and/or because everybody else does it and expects it from you. I just recommend that you free yourself from the programmes within your mind, which seem to be so normal and natural.