I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Yesterday while I was having a lunch with my friend he told me that it was anniversary of his father's death and then he started to shed some tears.
And so I started to ask myself some questions about this whole situation. You'll know... there is nothing wrong with having tears. I remember that I also cried last year when Bernard Poolman died in August 2013 and what is important to mention is that I have actually never met him in person.
Anyway... in the case of my friend why does he have to cry on the anniversary ?
And so I realised that this kind of behaviour of crying and being sad on the anniversary day of somebody ( relative, friend etc. ) is nothing else but a mind program. Simply there comes the day... the program is being activated and there is a release of emotion ( e.g. sadness ) and tears.
And I guess it is the same with other anniversaries like birthdays, wedding anniversary, New Year 's Eve, Christmas etc. but the difference is that then we are dealing with an opposite polarity of positive emotions and feelings. In the end it is just another mind program.
To be continued...