I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Now... maybe you find yourself in a situation when you have already done the list, you have put the priorities and you have reduced the number or completely eliminated from your life the "time wasting" responsibilities and you still find yourself in a situation when you are in constant rush and stress to deal with all the responsibilities - something like my life in the last 3 years.
So what do you do then ?
Well... if you find yourself in this situation then you have to do what you need to do and you try everything possible to reduce the number of responsibilities in your life because as I said before, your body has a certain limits and if you push them for prolonged period of time then you will pay price for it because you will get sick.
When I look at my life in the last 2 years I see that I have made a lot of changes so that I can cope with the overload of responsibilities. And on one hand it is very cool because I have become very organized, disciplined and more effective in dealing with many things. But I also have enough of it and now I am trying to reduce the number of responsibilities in my life. And I am steady getting there.
And one thing that I am very careful about is on taking any new responsibilities on myself.
Anyway... here is also another advice on how to deal with stress and the overwhelming responsibilities in your life. Sometimes there was a moment when I was very busy and very tired and then I had this tendency to leave the dirty clothes on the floor or the chair. And the same was with dirty dishes in the sink. I used to leave them for later because I was too tired to clean them in that moment. And there were also some other things there and there which required to be dealt with but I did not have the energy to do them. But within this situation I have noticed that I was passing by those things in my house and every time I was passing by I was thinking about them. And I came to the conclusion that this thinking process about cleaning the dishes or putting the dirty clothes away was also using energy my energy. And thus I was using the energy on thinking about them, I was getting stressed because of the accumulation of responsibilities in my life and my house was not getting cleaner. So what I did was that I started to push myself to clean the dishes and put away the clothes right in the moment even though I did not want to do it. And you know what ? This was one of the best things to do and I recommend that you try to do it as well if you find yourself in a similar situation with many responsibilities. It helps a lot.