I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This thing with writing the list of responsibilities on the paper is not compulsory but yet it can be extremely helpful because of the simple fact that we have the tendency to make things looks much bigger when we do it in our mind. But once we start to look at the facts then we may realise that all that we need is to simply do our responsibilities and stop wasting time on complaining about things which are not real. And this way the things get done, you will have more time for yourself and you will feel much better.
Making the list with the responsibilities on the paper helps also to see which things are important and which can either be completely removed from our schedule and this way we can have more time for ourselves. So it is all about setting the priorities. Don't waste time on things which are not important because then you will have no time for other important things and you will live on constant stress trying to catch up with all your responsibilities.
Another important thing to look at is: "why do you have so many responsibilities at all ?".
You have to ask yourself for example whether you really need such a big house, luxury car or two, huge flat screen TV, the latest model of the iPhone, iPad. Thus ask yourself the question whether you really need it or maybe you just want to impress your friends or family with the latest gadgets. You'll know... all of these things require that you earn more money and thus you must work more hours or make your business bigger etc. and in the end you simply get caught up in the rush to maintain all of these things in your life which becomes more and more difficult.
I know that it is nice to have beautiful house and luxury car but you must see for yourself whether it is worth to live in constant stress trying to deal with all the responsibilities which come together with it or maybe you would be much happier if you had more modest life style. Not long ago I have written an article about my friend who has business with over 100 employees, which gives him a very good income allowing him to have luxury life style. But you'll see... my friend has enough of constant stress which comes with his business and he would like to go back to the times when he was working just for himself.
To be continued...