I am catching up with posting online my articles.
It is interesting how my life has changed in the last 3 years from having rather relaxing life style into a life when I have to deal with overload of responsibilities and I am in a constant rush trying to catch up with things waiting to be done. And I would really like to get these things done and return to my relaxed life style but this doesn't happen because there is always something new coming on and I am stuck behind.
I know that there are more and more people ( also due to the world crisis ) who find themselves in this type of situation but although it is becoming kind of normal these days in the end it is not normal and we should not accept it as normal.
Thus how should we deal with it effectively and what should we do to stop it so that it does not become "normal" ?
First of all we must realise that if this situation is not being managed properly and if we allow it for a prolonged period of time then it usually leads to accumulation of stress which then leads to stress related sicknesses. And thus - as a health practitioner - I recommend all of you that you do not allow this situation to develop and exist in your life for a prolonged period of time. Deal with it as soon as you can before it gains momentum and before it crashes you.
One of the practical and very effective things to do is to actually write down on a paper a list with all of the responsibilities which you have and assign them priorities. By writing things down on a piece of paper you may realise that it is your mind that make things look much bigger than they are and then you are creating yourself unnecessary stress.
To be continued...