I am catching up with posting online my articles.
4. I have also realised that no matter how many police officers enforcing the anti-porn laws we have, we will never be able to eliminate the abuse of women, men, children and even animals unless each of us stops supporting and creating it either by directly producing porn or simply by consuming it ( watching it ). It is directly linked to all of us. If we stop demanding and buying it then there will be no interest in producing and supplying it. There is nobody in this world or universe ( neither god if he exists ) but myself who is capable of stopping and not giving in to the temptation of watching porn. Somebody may try to prohibit it but I will always find a way to go around the law and I do it if I want it. We have already many examples of this in this world ( e.g. drugs etc. ).
5. Stopping to excite myself sexually by watching porn and then masturbate has opened completely new door in my life. I can see now that the whole process of masturbation while watching porn was a very limited way of my sexual expression because this whole thing was only focused and limited to my penis, which is just few inches of my body. And what has changed now is that I have expanded my masturbation onto my whole body. I touch myself and I experiment with touching my whole body. So literally I make love with myself instead of abusing my penis.
6. Another important point is that I do not use force to get excited. You know... if you stimulate the penis somehow forcefully then eventually it will get erected. And this was quite often the case when I was masturbating myself while watching porn. Thus if my penis does not get erected easily then I don't force it. I just "play" with it, with my whole body and with myself gently and I let it be. But still within this I have noticed for some time already that my penis gets erected much more easily than it used to do before. I see that I get more connected with my body ( instead of the separation which I lived before ) and this is much more enjoyable way of expressing myself sexually. I realise that my sexuality gets "healed". And it is not something dirty ( as some people and religion refer to it ) but instead it is something very innocent, which is very cool.
To be continued...