I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Thus if you don't know precisely which supplements and in which doses you should take then you taking a high risk that you will make harm and damage to your body. It doesn't that it is the best brand ( or that we believe that this is the best brand ). Yes... you will achieve your goal within the period of 90 days and you will get muscular body but in the long run you will pay the price for it.
And thus here is very important question whether damaging your body and getting sick validates your "gain" ? What I mean here is that you have the gain in the short run but over long period of time you lose. Here I would like to make some explanation of what I am actually doing here because I think that some of you may not follow me. Thus my goal here is to abolish the validity of this statement "no pain no gain" because most of the time the gain is in the short term only and in the long run we lose.
Thus let's continue with other arguments to show the lack of validity of this statement.
To function properly our body needs certain elements and resources ( minerals, vitamins, proteins etc. ), which we supply through the food that we eat and the sport supplements about which I have written above. But there are also certain elements which cannot be so easy replenished with the food and stored within our body. And because they are getting used and not replenished thus we are getting older. Otherwise we would be always young.
To be continued...