I am catching up with posting online my articles.
I am certain that you have heard more than once this saying "No pain no gain" and then you remember it because it is so easy "ear catching" phrase. Though in general this phrase is especially popular among the body builders but then other sportsmen and sportswomen use it as well.
Now... the question...
Is this statement true ?
Well... this phrase is used quite often by the most successful sportsmen and thus it may seem that it is all true but is it really ?
You know... it might be rather difficult to give a straight forward answer to this question because it will all depend on what is your main objective and whether you take into consideration short or long period of time.
Thus let's have a look at the example of the body builder because I have been going to the gym myself for many years and I have enough knowledge and experience to be able to investigate and analyse this topic.
Thus I know that it is very possible to make a dramatic transformation of a body from being more or less obese into muscular and well defined body ( suitable for the magazine cover page ) within the period of less than 90 days. And thus if a person would have strong motivation together with the support of somebody who has knowledge and experience ( e.g. personal trainer ) than it is very possible to achieve this goal. It is not so easy and kind of painful but it is very feasible and thus it would give the person the right to say "no pain no gain".
But within this whole situation there is a "BUT..." to it.
To make this drastic transformation with the body within the period of less than 90 days most of the people ( though there are exemptions from it ) use various supplements, protein powders and also steroids which give the quick results. And this could be OK if you really know what you doing and if you really know what your body really needs because otherwise these substances cause a lot of side effects and harm within body. As a classic example I can say that people get kidney stones from eating excessive amount of proteins.
To be continued...