I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So far we have analysed how this whole situation is affecting my friend and his whole life. He is successful businessman and he earns a lot of money but at the same time he is overloaded with lots of responsibilities and this makes him to regret to have his business because he cannot do things in his life which would give him real joy of self-expression.
But within this whole situation we must also investigate and take into account the point of how this affects the whole world and what kind of consequences it carries with it.
I have already mentioned many times in my articles that each individual person is part of this whole matrix and the global system. We are all connected and whatever we do ( even though we think that we are small and insignificant ) in our personal life influences and changes the whole world.
Look at this... he employs over 100 hundred people and then he deal directly with some thousands of other people who are his customers and suppliers. Thus can you see how this one person directly affects and influences some thousands of people. The indirectly it goes further into millions of people and then the whole world.
Thus you'll see... he is influencing directly so many people and at the very top of this whole pyramidal structure is my friend - one "small and insignificant" person - who does what he does for money ( and this is his primary motivation ) and within this he is lost as a life and he does not express himself as self in real joy and creativity.
So this is how we ( each of us ) create the system ( matrix ) as it is and literally we fuck up this world. And who it is not so much the government or few other guys who are in power. It is all of us who are responsible for it. And it is only us who can change it.
All that is needed is that each of us becomes a responsible person and that we are living example of self-expression in joy and creativity.
To be continued...