I am catching up with posting online my articles.
This moment when my friend wished to go back to the times when he was working for himself instead of being responsible for a big company with over 100 employees has not come to him for the first time when he spoke with me. It was there before.
Now... this kind of reflection moments in our lives are of EXTREME IMPORTANCE because in this moments we become aware of what is happening in our life and our mind program ( which is literally fucking us up ) and then we have a chance to do something to stop it and change it. You'll see... if you are not aware of something then you will not act or try to change it. It is just there... it doesn't bother you... you got used to it... you take it as normal... etc. But the moment you see that something in your life is not right and you become aware of it then you have a chance to change it.
Well... you have the chance to do it. But if you don't... then you go back to your"normal" life and you forget about it until next moment which could be few days or months or even years later. Yes... this is how it works.
And so my friend has become aware of certain aspect in his life which is a burden for him, is cause of a lot of stress and literally takes his happiness away but if he doesn't do anything about it now then he will have to wait till the next time. And then we have no guarantee whatsoever that he will not repeat the same mistake of not doing and not changing anything in his life and getting lost further in his struggle with his business and at the same time losing himself within it.
To be continued...