I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Here are couple of other points which people tend to miss when it comes to weight loss. One of them I have already mentioned in the first article and it is related to greed. Yes... most of you have never thought about it but in the end if we look at it closely then it will make sense that greed and obesity go in pair.
Let's have a look at the definition of greed...
Greed is an excessive desire to acquire or possess more than what one needs or deserves, especially with respect to material wealth.
Thus if you focus all the time and put so much effort into getting more and more ( which you don't really need ) then your whole being is becoming one with this greed. And then it starts to reflect and manifest itself in your body and you are becoming fat and obese because your body will start to accumulate and create more cells and tissue than it needs.
But this is not all... let's have a look further at the fat tissue within the body. This tissue has many functions and one of them is to store the energy for later when the body needs it. And thus many animals put on weight and accumulate fat within their body because it helps them to survive winter month when there is problem with getting food. But in the case of humans this is not necessary because our food supply is constant throughout the whole year.
Now... what about if somebody constantly procrastinates and leaves the things to deal with for later ? What is happening here is that if this pattern continues over longer period of time then you ( same as before ) become one with it and then your body with adjust to this situation and it will accumulate fat. Can you see the analogy ? Fat is used to store things for later, which is reflection of you not dealing with the things in the now but always leaving them for later and they also start to accumulate.
And this is how you create your own body and how you are directly responsible for how your body looks. I know that none of the official nutrition courses in the college and/or university doesn't talk about it but doesn't it make sense to you ? Isn't logical ?
This is also an explanation why most of the diet plans and programs don't give permanent results and sooner or later people fall back into the habits of getting fat. And it is because we don't look at all the dimensions ( causes ) which manifest our fatness and obesity and we don't correct them but instead we are looking for quick and almost magical fixes.
Now... I am sure that there are few more dimensions ( causes ) behind the problem with obesity but each person must look individually at their own situation and their own mind design and then apply appropriate correction and solutions. If you need some help and assistance with identifying all the underlying dimension of fatness within your body then I could recommend you the Desteni I Process Course.