I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Thus if you give your body real food it will get all the nutrients that it need for its functioning. On the contrary if you start cutting the calorie intake but you continue eating fake food which cannot be used effectively by your body then you are asking for problems.
Another common mistake it taking the fat burning pills and other supplements which reduce the fat intake by the body. I know that these fat reducing products have become really popular these days but here people commit huge error. To me this whole concept of taking some pills to reduce fat sounds completely weird and I know that this is not healthy for the body. But this is not just my opinion ( which could be mistaken and wrong ) because when we ( myself and my colleagues at work ) do kinesiology muscle testing then almost every person tests negative which tells us that these products are causing harm and damage in the body.
Somebody made a big mistake some 40 years by stating that fat is bad for us and that we should avoid it. Our body consists of fat and it needs fat for proper functioning and thus eating all these low or zero fat products is making it all more difficult for your body to function properly. You'll see that problem is not so much with eating fats but rather with the quality of fats. All these fats which are highly processed and treated with high temperatures are difficult to digest for the body and this is what you should reduce in your diet or even completely eliminate. But if you eat good quality natural fats then you should be OK and your body will be grateful to you for it.
This thing with taking supplements which reduce fat in the body is similar to the concept of liposuction and other cosmetic surgeries. This is just an easy way out which basically treats the symptoms and thus it will never give permanent results. And at the same time it is causing side effects and other consequences for which you will pay sooner or later.
To be continued...