I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Thus not understanding the point that the problem with being fat is usually multidimensional and thus it cannot be corrected just with just going on a diet and/or exercises is one of the most common mistakes which people commit when they try to lose weight.
Another common mistake with the weight loss is that people cut drastically calories intake and they literally starve their body. This method usually gives fast results but unfortunately the results are not permanent and most of the time it also creates a lot of negative consequences. To function effectively our bodies need that we give it regularly appropriate nutrients ( fuel ) through the food and liquids that we digest and in the case when somebody is going on a drastic diet then it is obvious that the body doesn't get what it needs. Fortunately our body is very "flexible" and thanks to the compensation mechanism it can survive for some time in very drastic and extreme conditions. But surviving the extreme conditions like the "drastic diet" doesn't mean that it is healthy for the body. As I said you will lose some weight quickly with this method but unfortunately your body will be depleted of many important elements ( minerals, vitamins etc. ) and in the end you will be weaker and sicker. It is that sometimes you will not see it directly and quickly but the fact is that this extreme diet will affect your body negatively.
And thus instead of cutting drastically calorie intake it would be much better if you concentrated on improving the quality of the food that you eat. And by the quality I don't mean buying expensive bio products and supplements. It would be enough that you follow this simple rule of eating food which is as least processed and as natural as possible. For example the milk from the carton with six months shelf life cannot be compared with the milk directly from the cow. The first one is highly processed and I only looks like milk but as a matter of fact it should not be called milk while the other one is not processed, it is natural and it is easy to digest unless you are lactose intolerant. The same applies to the potato puree made from powder and the potato pure made from real potatoes. Or the popular cornflakes from the supermarket which are highly processed cannot be compared in regards to the quality if you prepared yourself a meal at home by cooking whole grains of unprocessed oat.
To be continued...