I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So let's have a look at some most important points in details and then let's also have a look at the practical solutions.
First of all let's explain why things get progressively worse instead of getting better according to the hope and wishful thinking. This follows a very simple law... if you give your attention, your focus, energy and you participate in something then obviously this thing will grow, gain speed, momentum and strength. And thus if you give all the time more and more energy towards the conflicts then obviously these conflicts will get stronger and more frequent. And the same applies towards the opposite... If you dedicate time and energy towards finding and applying practical solutions to your conflicts then your mountain of problems ( even though it is huge ) will get smaller and smaller. And if you are really aware and you find constructive solution ( without the compromise ) towards even the smallest problems then you will never be in the situation when you have to deal with the mountain of problems because simply this mountain will never grow.
It is all simple... common sense... logic... we could even say that this is genius... yes...
But here there are couple of questions:
Why everybody doesn't apply this simple solution ?
Is it because it is too difficult to practically apply this simple solution or it is just beautiful idea ( utopia ) ?
Definitely this is not utopia. Just because you do not know anybody around you would be using this technique their marriage, it doesn't mean that it is not possible and/or that this is utopia... or does it ?
You'll see... This is more like learning another language. You may live in the place when nobody speaks this language but that doesn't mean that this language is utopia because you know that there is a country in which people speak this language. And thus if you would want to learn this language ( even though nobody speaks this language in your town ) then you would have to dedicate time and energy to learn it. It would take you time but eventually you would get there and you could speak fluently this language. Obviously you would get nowhere towards achieving your goal of learning this language if all of that you did was just hoping.
And thus it is the same with the marriage and solving the problems. You must learn how to solve the problems effectively ( actually both of you ) and you must understand that it will take you time and you will make more than couple of mistakes while you learn it. Hoping that things would get better is not going to get you anywhere close to where you want to be. And as a matter of fact you will get further away from you objective because right now you are allowing that the mountain of problems is growing bigger. There is no magic to it. It is all logic and common sense.
To be continued...