I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So let's have a look at the point of what happened with the whole marriage and the relationship which has transformed from love into a point when the partners almost or even literally hate each other and they stay in the marriage just because they got used to it and/or just because it is a tradition or for any other reason although in reality they don't want to be together anymore.
Although I have never been in the relationship for a period longer than 2 years but I have observed and investigated this point very thoroughly. And you know... this is a very big subject and there has been written already many books about it ( I could probably write one myself ) but in the end it is all not that complicated as it may seem. As a matter of fact everything in life is kind of easy and simple if we follow and live practically the principle of what is best for all. And this also applies to the relationship and marriage.
So... here are my conclusions and observations in regards to nasty jokes about the marriage.
It is obvious that nobody would make the jokes about their wife/husband if the relationship was based on respect and love... would they ? But unfortunately many couples are not happy in their marriage ( even though they say they are ) and this is the reality. And it is really sad but within this it is extremely interesting to see that we make jokes about it and/or laugh at the jokes of others about it. So we laugh at something which in reality is sad... very sad.
I guess many people have never looked at it in this way !
They simply laughed at the jokes as an automatic reaction and that's it.
One of the points which is very clear to me here is that people have simply given up and accepted that this ( marriage with conflicts and problems ) is something "normal" and that it cannot be changed and thus the only thing which they can do at least in this situation is to laugh at it. But this is not an innocent and joyous laugh. It is mean and nasty laugh.
To be continued...