I am catching up with posting online my articles.
Lately on internet a came across few jokes about the marriage - something like on the images which you may see here. Normally this type of pictures bring smile and make people laugh and then people like to share these images further on social media and send them to their friends via email or smart phone.
Personally I do not share this type of images anymore ( though I used to ). Do you know why ?
It is because I sat down and I started to think about it. And to me this whole thing with the jokes about the marriage ( and there are lots of them ) is totally not right. When I see these pictures I ask myself question:
WTF happened with this "big" love which was at the beginning when 2 people meet and decide to share their life together ?
Yeah... what has happened there ? Shouldn't be something quite opposite ? Shouldn't be that the love is growing bigger and stronger when 2 people live together for a long time in the marriage ?
So... which type of person are you ?
Are you laughing at those jokes and share them with others on internet ? Or do you ask yourself the question: "WTF happened here ?".
To be continued...