I am catching up with posting online my articles.
So... excessive amount of people living in the cities is just one element within the problem with the smog and dirty air which lead people to buy "clean" air sold in the metal cans. Because then we have the point that china and South-East Asia has become the global factory.
Yes... because the labor cost in Asia is very low then a lot of international companies and corporations have established their production plants and factories in there. And what we have here is that there is big concentration of these factories which emit excessive amount of smoke into the atmosphere which exceeds the capacities of the environment to clean it.
Now... who is to blame for it here ?
Obviously it is the Chinese government first to blame because it has allowed it and within its plans and licences it did not take into consideration the impact of these factories on the environment.
Second in line to blame for the excessive pollution in Chinese cities are the corporation and companies ( local as well as international ), which established their factories in China and they made their decisions based on the lower production costs etc. Simply speaking money was the deciding factor and within that they have disregarded impact of their decisions on the environment.
Now... blaming Chinese government and then especially international companies and corporation is very popular and we can see it on Facebook and on internet in general but...
To be continued...