I am catching up with posting online my articles. I moved to a new place and I was without fixed internet access for almost a month. I was also very busy with work and that is why I got this big delay with posting online. Though I did not skip a single day with writing my articles.
You know... this is just one example but the list can go on and on starting with the health problems and ending with the global issues - pollution, hunger, prostitution, addiction, war etc. We think that we need to have a lot of money to be able to fix these problems and we either try to do it with the money that we have or we completely give up before even trying because we know that we will not get enough money. And we fall into the trap of focusing on the symptoms which are very expensive to treat and fix and within these we forget that most of the symptoms will disappear relatively easily if we focused on treating the causes of the problems.
What is also interesting within this is that even the issue with not having enough money is just an illusion. Because whenever the government needs to make decision about the war then there is always enough money but when it comes to other issues ( eg. pensions, health care system, education etc. ) then the government needs to save money by cutting the wages and firing people. And war is nothing else but treating the symptoms. It is not a constructive solution. It creates problems, destruction, suffering and many other problems. It doesn't make sense at all but this is what we do and then we live in a world which is the way in this now.
First of all do not think that you always need a lot of money to be able to fix the problems. Use common sense and logic. Investigate and analyse problematic situation and try to find a constructive solution which doesn't require money. You would be surprised how many times this is the case.
Secondly once you identify the cause of the problem then make the plan of action and do it yourself. Don't wait for others. I know that global problems cannot be solved by one person but yet if you will be waiting for others before you start doing something yourself then nothing will change. Be the living example and driving force so that others may get inspired from what you do.