I am catching up with posting online my articles. I moved to a new place and I was without fixed internet access for almost a month. I was also very busy with work and that is why I got this big delay with posting online. Though I did not skip a single day with writing my articles.
There are many ( if not most of them ) problems of this world which could be easy or relatively easy solved with a little bit of effort and common sense but instead we are trying to fix them with money without even realising that we are just treating symptoms and we will never find constructive solution to our problem/s.
Here is the first example...
Lately I had a client in my practice who has been suffering in the last couple of years with pains in his hip joint. From the hips it was affecting his lower back and the whole leg. He had problems with walking, the pain was affecting his sleep at night and in general it was influencing negatively his whole life. His problem was developing progressively and it was all going in the direction that he would most probably end up on the operation table within the next 1-2 years. Obviously he went to see many doctors specialists who got him to do many tests with hi-tech medical equipment ( MRI scans etc. ) but they could not find any problem within his body. They have prescribed him some tablets ( anti-inflammatory etc. ) but he did not get any permanent improvement to his problem.
Now... over the period of 3 months I have done for him 2 short ( 30 min massage treatments ) and I have showed him how to do properly stretching exercises. He was one of the clients who took seriously my advice and he did those exercises almost every day ( quite often 2 times a day ) over the period of 3 months.
Guess what... ?
His problem has improved greatly by now. He can walk normal and the pain doesn't interrupt his sleep at night. If he came to see me more than 2 times then this problem would be fixed much quicker because in the beginning he was not doing the exercise 100% correctly.
So what do you say ?
- All the treatments with the top specialists cost a lot of money...
- This hi-tech medical equipment to do the tests and scans costs a fortune...
- This possible operation which would most certainly happen sooner or later would cost a lot of money...
- Apart from this there would be many costs related to the rehabilitation after the operation...
- And after the operation there would be also many secondary problems and costs
- And there also many things which cannot be translated into money - something that money cannot buy and that would be that his quality of life would be worse...
So all together we are talking about the cost of many thousands of euros !!!
But in the end the problem has been solved just with the effort of doing properly stretching exercises and taking care of the body which costs nothing or very little.
To be continued...