I am catching up with posting online my articles. I moved to a new place and I was without fixed internet access for almost a month. I was also very busy with work and that is why I got this big delay with posting online. Though I did not skip a single day with writing my articles.
Sometimes I come across a situation when somebody approaches me on the street asking for help because she or he is poor. And then I find myself in an uncomfortable position because I would like to help this person - which is for me normal and natural reaction of a human being - but at the same time it is not always possible because I don't have a lot of money myself. And secondly there is the point of not knowing whether this person is asking me for help genuinely.
Yes... There are many people who abuse this point and they make good money out of begging. This kind of behaviour obviously creates a lot of consequences because then many people restrain themselves from helping others out of fear of being cheated and lied and this only worsens the bad situation which already is in the world.
Anyway... How do I deal with this situation myself ?
Well... instead of throwing the money into the "begging cup" I talk to the person trying to find out whether s/he is asking for help genuinely. And if I decide to help then buy some food in the supermarket.
Now... it is obvious that I am not able to buy food for every beggar and I have to choose whether I help this person at all or not in this moment. It is kind of unpleasant and uncomfortable feeling to leave a person without help but as I said before I need to also look at the practical aspect of what I can and what I cannot do in that moment of my life. Apart from this I am already involved in the development of Equal Life Foundation and Living Income Guaranteed which is going to help every person and every other being in this world. Thus it is true that I am not helping a beggar in this moment by giving him money but it also doesn't mean that I am not helping him at all. The project with the Living Income Guaranteed will take some time before it will be implemented in real life while there are millions of people who need urgent help to secure their basic needs but still I am already acting and doing things to prevent this kind of things in the future and to help this people as soon as it is possible.
So this is my approach towards helping the beggar and the poor in this moment of my life.