I am catching up with posting online my articles. I moved to a new place and I was without fixed internet access for almost a month. I was also very busy with work and that is why I got this big delay with posting online. Though I did not skip a single day with writing my articles.
When it comes to watching porn there is also another more subtle point about supporting and accepting and allowing sexual abuse within this world. Have a look at this.
Usually when people watch porn they get stimulated sexually and they end up masturbating themselves. There are many things which happen here within the mind of the person and within the person ( the real being because the mind and the ego are the illusions ) and one of them is that the person watching porn is using outside stimulus to force its body into sexual arousal. And this in itself is a form of sexual abuse.
How ?
You are forcing your body and yourself into a sexual arousal. It is not a form of self-expression. It is abuse. You are using force. You are using outside stimulus. You are doing something against your body. And thus it is another form of abuse. And you know... You are getting hooked up on it. It becomes an addiction. Later it is really difficult for you to stop it. It affects your relationship if you have one. And as a said before it creates multitude of consequences for yourself and for the whole world.
And here comes another realisation...
This abuse that you commit against yourself with the time becomes something normal to you. You don't see anything wrong with it. It is a habit. You are addicted to it but you don't see it as an addiction because you have defined it within your mind something normal and natural. And here comes big problem. Because once you allow the abuse within yourself and you have found many excuses justifying it as something normal then you allow the abuse on the outside in the whole world. You are becoming blind to the facts to the prostitutes are being forced to prostitute themselves under the threat of violence or because they have more money to survive. And you instead of helping them and giving them money out of your good heart to help your fellow humans who are in need, you are demanding that they do something in return for your money and you call it is fair exchange. You don't see anything wrong with this. You see it as something normal. And this is because you have allowed the abuse within yourself and then you allow the abuse in the world. And you will never act against it to stop it because you see it as something normal.
That I will repeat again. It would be cool to have official laws which would prohibit prostitution and pornography but this is not going to help anything with the problem unless we start correcting the problem within ourselves because we are the cause and the creators of this problem in the world. It all starts on the local scale. Many of us give a little bit of energy to this problem and eventually it accumulates and becomes a big mountain which seems impossible to cross. Thus every one of us must investigate where and how we contribute to this problem and then we must stop ourselves. And only then this problem will stop existing in our world. Prohibition is not effective. We have seen it already many times. Look at the problem with the drugs. They are illegal. The governments, police and even the army is participating in the war on drugs but yet there are so many people using them. It is really not difficult to buy the drugs on the street although it is illegal and prohibited. And thus prohibition of pornography and prostitution is not going to be effective.
To be continued...