I am catching up with posting online my articles. I moved to a new place and I was without fixed internet access for almost a month. I was also very busy with work and that is why I got this big delay with posting online. Though I did not skip a single day with writing my articles.
I will continue in this article with the practical solution to deal with the problem of recycling and especially with making decisions about recycling vs buying new products.
In my case of the half burned candles I have decided that I will try to reuse them as much as I can instead of simply taking it easy way and buying a new pack for just 3 euros. But I make this decision because I have enough spare time to do. As I said it would be much easier and more comfortable for me to buy a new pack of candles but I choose the more “difficult” way because this more difficult way is better for the environment and then the whole world.
Though it is also important to mention that if I was in a situation when I am very busy at work and I simply have no time to reuse the candles then I would go for the option with buying new pack. But here come another important point. If I was so busy at work which means that I am successful with making a lot of money then it would be very advisable that I dedicate some of my money which I make towards the recycling which means that I would pay certain percentage of my money to other people who would work with recycling and/or cleaning the rubbish.
It is obvious that this kind of decision should be made in self honesty by each person and there is no point in forcing people with special laws and taxation. Each person should be aware that we are the ones who pollute this world and thus we must take responsibility for cleaning the rubbish and pollution or even better preventing it. It is not them who destroy this planet. It is us. It is each of us. Every day we make small decisions ( like mine about reusing the candles ) which accumulate on a global scale of and eventually create a huge problem with pollution and rubbish dumped in the oceans which kill many animals or injure them. Thus it is important to assess where each of us is contributing to the problem and correct it. We must stop counting how much money we can make or save on a personal level when making decisions about buying new vs recycling and we must take into consideration the whole world.