I am catching up with posting online my articles. I moved to a new place and I was without fixed internet access for almost a month. I was also very busy with work and that is why I got this big delay with posting online. Though I did not skip a single day with writing my articles.
At my work ( massage ) I use a lot of candles. And quite often they burn out about 2/3 and then I cannot use them for the next client. But I did not throw them away and instead I was collecting them in the box with the intention to reuse them in such a way that I would "refill" the paraffin in one candle from 2 other candles.
Thus one day I had some free time and I decided to get the candles done ( recycle them ) and so I started to refill them. But after a few minutes I realised that it would take much more time than I initially thought. I said to myself: "WTF... I could buy one hundred candles for just 3 euros at IKEA and this is waste of time for me".
But then I realised another "WTF". Right now I am in a position when it is easy for me to earn 3 euros and thus it seems as if it is complete waste of time for me to refill the used candles and instead simply go the shop and buy new pack. But then I thought: "Wait a second Greg... isn't it the problem which the humanity as a whole is facing right now ?". There are too many people who make the decisions about "recycling vs buying new" based on the amount of money which they could earn in the same time while recycling and if they can make more money relatively easy in comparison with recycling used products than they choose to throw away this products and buy a new one. And as a consequence of this action planet Earth is being overloaded with the rubbish.
But this is not all because all of this rubbish is causing a lot of secondary problems and as a matter of fact the whole chain of consequences, which affect and influence the whole world and many beings on many levels.
To be continued...