I am catching up with posting online my articles. I moved to a new place and I was without fixed internet access for almost a month. I was also very busy with work and that is why I got this big delay with posting online. Though I did not skip a single day with writing my articles.
Thus to avoid the big falls created by the negative polarity my friend came to the conclusion that possibly he could prevent the uncontrolled and unexpected falls with the small falls which he controls. Thus whenever my friend sees and becomes aware ( by the way this is not always that easy to notice ) that he is accelerating and becoming excessively positive then "he pulls" himself down for example by going to the party with alcohol, cigarettes etc.
Is this effective ?
According to him this allows him to prevent the big falls and at the same time he is getting closer and steadier to the light and the enlightenment.
Well... I highly doubt it. I somebody ever is generating one polarity ( in this case the positive polarity of enlightenment ) then it is impossible to avoid the consequence of creating automatically its opposite. In that case of my friend he will be able most probably to reduce the frequency and the intensity of the singular ups and downs but in the end he is still operating within the field of the polarities with its consequences. Apart from this we may not forget about the fact that he is all the time getting closer and steadier to the enlightenment. And thus he is continuously creating positive polarity in small steps which means that it is only a matter of time and the way ( method ), in which he will have to face the consequences of creating automatically the negative polarity.
Here is a very important question:
Is it possible to avoid the consequences of the law of polarities ?
Theoretically it is very possible and all that we need to do all is to not create any polarity.
It is possible to do it practically ?
It must be. It is maybe very uncommon and unheard of but it must be possible. Desteni Group is talking about it and showing how to achieve it practically. All we need to do is to stop the ego and the mind, which are operating within the law of polarities and which need the polarities to validate their existence. If you are interested in this topic more and you would like to learn how to stop the consequences of the law of polarities in your life then I recommend you the Desteni I Process Course. In this course you will be shown and taught the practical tools, which will help you to stop your ego and your mind and then automatically you will free yourself from the law of polarities.