I am catching up with posting online my articles. I moved to a new place and I was without fixed internet access for almost a month. I was also very busy with work and that is why I got this big delay with posting online. Though I did not skip a single day with writing my articles.
Now... This is something that came up in conversation with my friend when we were discussing the topic of his "big falls" in personal development. What I mean here by saying "big falls" is that my friend has found himself couple of times in a situation when he was expanding, developing and coming closer to the "light" on the path that of the spiritual development and then suddenly he was experiencing a big fall which ended up in pain and suffering very often. And then he also told me that the same happened to his other friends. And thus he came to the conclusion lately that he could prevent unexpected big falls by making small and controlled falls himself.
Let's have a look closely at this whole situation because this is very interesting and very important for the reason that there are so many people in this world seeking spiritual enlightenment and within this they commit the same error - they fall into the trap of polarities.
Polarities - the negative and the positive - they cannot exist on its own without its opposites. Whenever there is positive there must be negative to balance the law of polarities. It doesn't matter what you do it, is impossible to separate the negative from the positive... though it is possible to make yourself blind and believe in your mind that you have achieved to be only positive. But belief is always just an illusion created within the mind and it has nothing to do with the facts of the reality.
Thus what we have here with my friend is that is on the path towards the spiritual enlightenment, towards the light, towards the positive. He wants to be positive. Thus he wants to be just one polarity. But as I said before it is impossible to separate the positive from the negative and this is what has happened to my friend couple of times already when he was going forward very fast and he was getting closer to the light and then he experienced sudden and unexpected "boom" / a big fall. My friend was not aware of, that when he was getting closer to the light and becoming more positive he was also creating automatically the negative and this negative polarity has pulled him down and created a big fall in his spiritual development. It was simple and balancing act within the law of polarities.
To be continued...