I am catching up with posting online my articles. I moved to a new place and I was without fixed internet access for almost a month. I was also very busy with work and that is why I got this big delay with posting online. Though I did not skip a single day with writing my articles.
I was looking today at my article which I have written yesterday and I see that it requires correction ( the end part of it ).
"...I ask myself again: "why am I doing it and what for... what does it change ?".
Maybe nothing will change or maybe a lot. I don't know it. Maybe I will regret it after the 7 years that I have wasted so much time. But still I will keep my commitment although I see that the temptation to give it up is getting stronger. You know... all these little thoughts in my mind like "what is it for ?" are there. And on the difficult days they are more intense..."
You'll see... I don't have to wait 7 years to see the change and then either regret it or not. There is no doubt that things change in my personal life as well as in the whole world. It is simply because I know for fact that I am changing myself and it has been documented in my articles. And when I am changing myself then the whole system changes together with me because I am part of this system. The current system is the way it is because I have also co-created it with others. I don't have to organize the revolution to change the world. All my decisions and my actions ( also the most simple ones ) affect and change others and through these simple things I affect and influence the whole world. For example buying something in the shop affects already at least few if not thousands of persons who were involved in manufacturing and delivering the product to the shop. Thus whenever I change myself and when I stop certain habits then I affect the whole world. And thus I can do it in such a way that it will affect the whole world in the way that is best for all. That is very possible and achievable.
And the second point which requires correction it that I will not regret that I have dedicated my time towards the 7 years Journey To Life. I change myself according to the principle of what is best for all. And thus how could I possibly regret that I am changing myself from a person who wants best for me only into a being which stands for and lives practically the principle of what is best for all ? That is not possible.
The only thing though that I am not certain about is how much other people will benefit directly from my articles. I don't know how many people read them. But again... this is my own process of change and although my change will automatically change others I realise that I cannot force anybody to change if they don't want to. Yes... our world is in dire straits situation which is the result of our common creation and thus it would be cool if all of us start to change it. But then the reality is that people are possessed by the ego and they don't see the necessity to change. Anyway... although it is kind of challenging and sometimes difficult to write my articles every day and post them online, I will continue doing it so that it is available for those who are interested.