I am catching up with posting online my articles. I moved to a new place and I was without fixed internet access for almost a month. I was also very busy with work and that is why I got this big delay with posting online. Though I did not skip a single day with writing my articles.
Stress... stress... and more stress... problems in the relationship, working long hours and fighting to stabilise myself financially, being sick etc. This was my last 3 years of my life. Now the things are at peace and calmer. And I am glad that it is this way now.
It happened what happened and it was not easy at times but I am not going to blame anybody for it because I can see clearly that I am absolutely responsible for what happened. It was all about my choice and my decisions. But I can also see that where I am now is also a result of my decisions and choices. I did not pray to god or to the universe. I did not hope. It did not happen by itself. I did it. I have directed my life towards the point where I am now.
On the way here I had to clean up the mess which I have made and which I have allowed to happen. As I said before it was not easy but I did it. I have taken responsibility for it and I did it.
Now... here is a very interesting and very important question...
Was it necessary for me to go through all the shit that happened ?
Yes and no...
"Yes"... because I have created it over long period of time by giving my energy to it and I simply walked into it and I have experienced the consequences of it.
"No"... because I could have stopped and corrected the things before they started fully manifest. I had all the necessary tools ( which I have learned from the Desteni I Process Course ) to deal with and de-create the mind patterns which were manifesting in my life. I did not do it. Well... not with all of them and thus I had to experience the full consequences of it. Of course it could have ended much worse. I have seen it coming but luckily I have stopped certain things from hitting my hard.
Now... here is another question...
Have I learned anything from it ?
Yes... I did and that is why I am here today in a place where the things are at peace and calm.
Will it stay like this always ?
Well... it all depends on me.
One thing is for sure that I don't want to be in a place where I have to live under stress ( especially created by me ) and thus I will do everything possible to maintain peace and calm.
How will I do it ?
It may seem difficult for many people but at the same time I know that all that I have to do is to stick to the principle of what is best for all in every moment of my life and I know that I will be at peace. Of course it doesn't mean that everybody will love me and treat me good just because I live the principle of what is best for all. But it is not about the thing that everybody likes me. It is all about the principle of what is best for all and being at peace with myself.