Celebration of St. Patrick's day

I am catching up with posting online my articles. I moved to a new place and I was without fixed internet access for almost a month. I was also very busy with work and that is why I got this big delay with posting online. Though I did not skip a single day with writing my articles.

Before I continue writing my article I want to remind you that I am not here to judge or decide whether St. Patrick deserves to be respected for what he did. The reason behind is that I don't really know much about him and what and how he did. In Wikipedia it was mentioned that he evangelised people in northern part of the Ireland but when it comes to Christianity and the evangelization we all know that it was quite often done in a violent and abusive way. Thus I am not going to analyse this point. But what I will do here is that I will look at the point if Patrick would really deserve the respect.

Now... in regards to the celebrations of the St. Patrick's Day is it obvious to me that the way people celebrate it, does not show at all the respect for him and what he did. It should be obvious here that I am referring to those who get drunk, get into the fights, take drugs etc. So the question is why people do it ? I mean why people get drunk and abusive during the celebrations of the St. Patrick's Day ?

Well... this day the 17th of March is just another day when people get free from work and for others it is just another day when they can make more money. But behind it all there is a certain program within the mind which has been generally accepted by majority of people as something that is normal and something that "just is" and people don't question it but simply participate within it. Because there is no other explanation to it... or is it ? And I would not be surprised if many of those who celebrate would have very little knowledge about who and what Patrick did and why he is the patron of Ireland, which would be another proof that it is a blind following of others and doing something just because others do it ( mind program ).

So... the same as with celebrations of St. Patricks Day is with many other celebrations ( including Christmas, Easter etc. ). We just do them because others do it. We follow others. We do it "just because". We have been brainwashed by our parents; then we did it to our children and then humanity continues the same bullshit and never ask question "why ?". And instead of learning something from those who did something respectful ( if they did ), we just get drunk and we call it "celebrations".

Thus next time when you celebrate something ask yourself why you do it and what is the reason for doing it ? And ask yourself whether the celebrations bring something constructive for yourself and other people or if they bring abuse, pain and suffering. And then based on the answer decide whether you want to participate in it. Don't follow everybody automatically. Make a conscious choice and decision.



Written: 2014 - March - 19   Published: 2014 - April - 05      © Copyright 2014 - Greg Wiater